My life as a 15 yr old girl

Welcome to my life. Uneventful enough to be average but eventful enough to be interesting

All about myself

Fav Movie: Little Miss Sunshine

Fav Book: We Were Liars

Fav Music Genre: Metal and Psychidelic Rock

Fav Drink:Coke

Hobbies:Crocheting,Knitting,art, riding my bike, photography, and watching iceberg videos

Fav subject in School: Computer Science :)

Things I'm a fan of

Self Blurb

This is intially made as a project for school but I hope to make it into more than that. Document my life as I grow meet new friends and establish thata I'm worth something eventhough it's not much. I intend to update as much as possible and hope this can be a experience in which I will be able to meet people with the same interests as me! I'm so excited about starting this! I'll have little quizzez to take and friendship application in which I can meet people who are interested in making friends.


I LOVE art! I make my own in many different ways, I make watercolors, I knit and crochet I honestly just enjoy making things.


Through making this website I would like to make friends. Given this opputunity I have made a friendship application. If you also need friends reach out and I'll try to check the submissions box as much as possible.

Friend application

(Also plz don't get upset if I don't respond immediately I have a busy life and am just doing this for fun.)